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Evidence by Theme

Find data, commentary, and research on all aspects of the regional economy. Evidence is categorised by theme, and some appears under more than one heading.

From 7 May 2024, The North East Evidence Hub is a project of the North East Combined Authority. We may still refer to the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (or "the LEP") in some of our reports.


Analysis of current North East transport trends, including patronage and customer satisfaction on public transport, and data about use of cars and other private vehicles. 


Commentary about the latest data on the economic performance of the North East. Including progress against targets in the Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) and other economic outputs.

Labour market

Charts and commentary on the latest statistics about employment, non-workers and pay in the North East, with industry sector and occupation breakdowns.


Charts and commentary on the latest data about North East businesses. Includes business counts, births and deaths and other aspects of business growth.

Education and skills

Charts and commentary on the latest statistics about schools, further education, apprenticeships and higher education. Including data about adult skills and qualification levels and work-based training.

Population and health

Charts and commentary on the latest data about the resident population of the North East, including age breakdowns and health indicators.

Net Zero

Data and charts on the North East's progress towards Net Zero.


Charts and commentary on the latest data about Internationalisation

Housing and land

Charts and commentary on the latest data about housing and land use in the North East and related topics.

Standards of living

Data that provides timely information about standards of living in the North East.

Our Economy

Our Economy is our annual update on the current performance of the North East economy and how it is changing over time.

Census 2021

Information about the residents and households of the North East that is not collected in such detail by other sources.


Reports and publications evaluating the impact of regional strategies and programmes.